Kinstretch, the Missing Link of Your Fitness Routine

General fitness strategies, like strength training, can be immensely beneficial to our health and well being. 

I’m a true believer that strength training can help people move and feel better as strength has a clear carry-over to endeavors, such as picking up your children, installing a new AC, playing golf, and running. But when it comes to pain and stiffness, general fitness has its limitations.

“I walk all the time; why do I have pain?”
“I go to the gym every week; why do I have pain?”
“I am an active person; why do I have pain?”

There is probably a chance that you have said some variation of this quote from time to time. I hear it all the time; people associate being active with movement to improve joint health and function.

General exercise helps improve how you feel because it enhances the resiliency of the tissues that are stressed. Where it misses the bill is that many physiological motions of the body are not stressed during strength training, running, biking, or the like. 

Just as we train muscles, we want to train our joints so that we are maintaining/improving our physiological ability to move.

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system that focuses on creating ACTIVE MOBILITY by improving your USEABLE RANGES OF MOTION.

What does this mean? 

Most mobility programs focus on static stretching, which focuses on passive flexibility. I refer to this as ‘your potential to move’ because this motion is accessible via external assistance (gravity, strap, etc.) to move your body into the position.

Once you have passive flexibility, we need to make it controllable and accessible. This is where Kinstretch comes in. 

The Kinstretch system helps you decrease stiffness, discomfort, and pain by:

Learning how to self assess your body

Knowing your movement limitations allows you to spend your time in all the right places, helping you avoid wasting precious time on things that don’t matter.

Creating strength and resilience of your joints

This helps you move and perform your best without the aches and pains. 

Move your joints daily

Range-of-motion gets lost because of disuse. Having a routine to move your body through its full range-of-motion maintains and preserves your joint health.

Compliments your current routine

The best part about the system is that you don’t need to change your current fitness practice. Kinstretch mobility fits alongside what you are currently doing. 

If you are looking to take your mobility and body health to the next level, try one of my Kinstretch classes for FREE. Click here for the most evidenced-based mobility system on the market. 

With today’s blog post, we want to trim all the fat and tell you what you should be focusing on with your training this offseason.

When it comes to developing training programs, we always use the same foundation for the movements we want to train. Our training blocks might focus on different things, like muscle development, strength, mobility, and power, but they all have five staple movements on each training day – Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat, and Carry exercises.

The concept of Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat, Carry originated from Dan John, the king of simplicity in the field of strength & conditioning. This is how we’ve trained both ourselves and clients with fantastic results, and will continue to do so as time goes on.

So, what exactly does Push, Pull, Hinge, Squat, Carry consist of? Well, exactly what it sounds like.

Push – a push exercise is any movement where you’re using your upper body to push a resistance away from you. Examples of push exercises include Push-Ups, and Bench Press variations.

Pull – a pull exercise is any movement where you’re using your upper body to pull a resistance towards you. Examples of pull exercises include TRX Rows, and Pull-Up variations.

Hinge – a hinge exercise is a movement where you’re moving your hips are bending (hip flexion) while minimizing the amount your knees bend (knee flexion). These are posterior chain-focused exercises, that help strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and back. Examples of hinge exercises include Kettlebell Swings, and Deadlift Variations.

Squat – as the name suggests, a squat exercise is a squat variation. This can be a two-leg or single-leg squat. Examples of squat exercises include Barbell Front Squats, and Dumbbell Split Squats.

Carry – a carry exercise is a movement where you’re walking while holding weights, hence the name. Loaded carries are excellent ways to develop hip, core, and grip, and overall strength. Examples of carry exercises include Farmers Walks and Kettlebell Rack Carries.

We stack these five movements with mobility training and that’s how we formulate our programs. Seriously. Our objective is to have our clients “be brilliant at the basics”, a quote we’ve stolen a million times from Dewey Nielsen. The more efficient you get with the fundamentals of movement, the better off you’ll be in the long run.


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