Does The Golf Ball You Use Matter?

If you are anything like me, losing a couple of sleeves of golf balls per round is an easy task. By the end of the round, it feels like I sprinkled a bunch of 1 dollar bills all over the golf course.

Because of this, I would go out and buy used balls from flea markets as this made the game more cost-effective for me.  As you will see in this video, Kevin literally cringed at the sound of this. So I took his advice and started experimenting with different brands to find a golf ball that fits my game.

In this week’s featured interview, I spoke with Kevin Sprecher of Sleepy Hollow Country Club in New Jersey. We dove into the nitty-gritty on the tech of golf balls and how to select the right ball for your golf game.

If you are looking for the right ball for your game and don’t want to get a ball fitting from a pro, a great place to start is a ball company’s websites. Each company now has a ball fitting feature in which they ask questions about your swing and based on your answers suggest a couple of options for that fit your game.

For Vice Golf, they ask the following questions:
1. What is your gender?
2. What score do you typically shoot?
3. Which ball model do you typically play with?
4. What is the average distance of your 7-iron?
5. What is the average club head speed with your driver?
6. What do you look for in your short game

I am currently experimenting with 4 types of balls and have been sticking to one type the best that I can per round of golf. The current list of balls I am playing with are; Vice Pro Soft, Vice Pro Plus, RZN HS-Tour, and RZN MS-Tour.

The jury is still out on which of these will be my favorite, but the Pro Soft and the MS-Tour seem to be an early favorite as I really like how they react on the greens so far.

Interested in either ball? Use the links below to check them out.

Vice Golf Balls
RZN Golf Balls

Click here to listen to the full podcast episode with Kevin Sprecher or use the embed player below!


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